More thoughts for the day.......I see the ENTIRE Data "TheNextTrix" Metrex crew is out in force today. The known board pumpers & spammers, The "intheshadows" payed company shills, a handful of investors stuck with the stock but have no choice but to cheer on the ranibow parade......and you even got a few lunatics onboard to contribute & clap as well. They spared no expense this time! The whole GypsyCircus is out infront & center LMAO. You guys even got yet another news release! How many is that this month alone? 50? That release would actually be meaningful if that contract with said company had another fat 0 added to the overall amount.......But i digress here.....
As Kerplunksion is out from under his rock as well, i will add his "insightfull" but totally moronic comments (see below) with the others from my previous post on here this morning. We definitely can't leave Mr. Kerplunksion! He's da Grande Poobah of DM pumps on this here board!
Kerplunksion wrote:
"Shouldnt the SP performance of this stock over the last year at least be under the microscope as the TSX investigates to determine if DM can graduate. IF so they must be seeing what we know is going on. Now the big question is will they act against it or look the other way. We can hope that what is happening here is seen and being investigated as we speak."
The ONLY thing that should be under a microscope is ALL the Shenanigans that have gone over at DM's HQ over the past few years. With DM itself AKA Data "TheNextTrix" Metrex, ScreenMasterPro or better known as SCRN and of course the whipping boy wonder known only as GBLC. And i must include all the pumping, false & decpetive information and misdirection that's been going on this board as well over that same time period. Of course! So yes do investigate by all means.....EVERYTHING out in the open. I'm pretty sure some "dubious" folks with accounts on SH will be totally flagged & held accountable by the long arm of the law once things get going here.....
So yes......please do Investigate!
While you're at it Kerplunksion, i came across a picture of you link below) along with a few others what seems to be some kind of gsthering & celebrations. from the looks of it, and i'm not entirely sure so don't quote me on this it looks Investor-20X, EthanUtrader & Indatankumo are there along with you. I'm not too sure about the little guy in the back, if that's either Investor-20x or The Tank. But he seems a little wierd & off. Damn EthanU, you look quite different with that big old rug on that YUUGE melon of yours LMAO. Must be a bad angle shot or your bad
BTw, why you guy all smiles & doing HighFives with each other????? LOL. Something good happen that day?
Anyway, i hope you guys enjoyed that littel gem of a picture. Ahhh good times right???