What we look for10x 15 xThe way I see this. majority of individuals on this board like a fat return on investing, that's why we look at juniors and spend time and money on.I look at the fed not being done on hiking rates, one thing is sure the US dollar will keep rising, no matter how much you like gold and I include my self in that circle, gold will drop and keep on dropping,that to me gives me a great apetit to buy gold and silver, I look at pann silver just as an example at a. bargain,I still haven't bought any silver or gold producers as of Friday. What I'm saying here is don't buy anything until they show a sighn of stoping hikes,A pann silver or a bto gold and again just using these as examples, will probably drop another 30 percent ,very very reachable to buy pann silver at 12.00 a share,fed will eventually stop tightening to get out of a recession, and still in my opinion have inflation not where they want, The dollar will fall and very much so in my abs a lot of bankers think so, silver gold oil etc will have legs for a very long time.specially if this Ukraine situation doesn't get solved.yiu csn very easy see pann at 75, 80 a share. Less risk here.Right now a close friend has raised money for over 15 exploration plays says it's going to be very difficult to raise capital for alot of juniors. All the luck to all of Bsx holders on the Brazilian elections that meat help on progress.