goldpan asked ..goldpan asked on the thread why OSK opted out of the JV exploration. Well could be a couple reasons. One being they are conserving money as they have no cash flow currently. Two they understand that spending money today for more gold inventory is not necessary, they have lots more than they needed actually. lots of great hits. Three they are playing in their mind "hard ball" trying to soften up the players before negotiations ? ..However Wexford knows all the secrets and such, so ya everyone can play pretend when they meet. Good grief, can't anyone just git r done !! Call me up, I will get the deal done in a week, gold poured in 6 months and an 8 billion dollar market cap in three years or less. But hey, I would probably have to stop posting ? know NDA's and such. We seen how that worked out for the stink bid .. I think it lasted a week. Echos from the Windfall camp drifted across the lands at lightening speeds. So ya, even Fruit now found out it was OSK who laid the stinker in the room, i was contented when he finally admited that ..took him long enough. In my own way, I kinda like the guy..