Financial reporting this weekThere seems to be a lot of speculation on the "upfront" payment and associated expectations.
Me, like everyone here, is hoping this weeks information is going to put "smiles on all our faces".
If you recall, that would also consider the milestone payments as part of that smile package according to the CEO, so nobody should expect only the first payment to do the trick in my opinion. Milestone payments come at some point later. I am not going to be "niaive" enough to think that just the upfront payment is going to be solely responsible for the overall reaction here. If it does, then all the better.
If the CFO in fact issues a forward looking company wide revenue forecast, we might in fact see the whole piece while we wait for revenues to accrue from the royalties.
If no forecast, then, well, we will just know then an additional piece of the puzzle.
Jimmy, I believe Tickle was referring to Howard and nobody else. It seems you think otherwise. Tread carefully. We are all here to offer our own personal views respectively and that is the purpose of a discussion board.