RE:I SMELL NEWS I sense that more promotion of Trillion Energy will be coming to market shortly. This stock is such a screaming buy it hard to understand, why it has been taking so long.
The US dollar is riding high! Inflation in Turkey is rampant and Trillion is paid in US dollars. The money paid to the company will keep on rising on a monthly basis, as the Winter months continues to approach. European natural gas is very short supply.
Germany is seeking middle eastern gas but they don't want to lock themselves into the longer term gas contracts that these oil sheiks want to get.
The middle eastern producers are smart. They know they have got the Europeans at a major disadvantage and they intend to use this bargaining chip to their considerable advantage.
That's how capitalism works!
This is not good for the longer term future of the European economies. HIgher NG prices for a longer term will considerably deepen and extend any coming European recession.
This is not good news for them. But perhaps, perversely, it is extremely good news for future nearby gas producers like Trillion Energy. I'll bet Art wil soon want to increase the compan's production as soon as possible. All in good time!
The company may have many years of excellent pricing for the increasing volumes of gas that it intends to produce.
But in the meantime, Trillion's first gas fields are now about to come into production while the gas price continues higher. More discoveries will come later.
North American petroleum stocks are cratering in price, once again. Down they go again!
There is no price stability now at present in the NA market.
But Trillion is based off shore in Turkey, and as unaffected as its gas price by the of the NA market, it share price may now have reached an inflection point, poised to rise up quickly.
We will have to wait and see.
All the best, Java