No Need To Panic!Trillion`s fundamentals are sound. The NA market is moving higher today, across the board.
N.A natural gas is not showing any strength. I understand that inventories are full here. But even those kind of companies are moving higher today.
In Europe, the longer term picture isn't looking so pretty. After Winter, these inventories will need to be refilled once again.
With respect to Trillion, once production starts, the demand for its natural gas will remain strong. Turkey will buy all it can produce! It' s a captive market.
The present, near full inventories in Europe overall seem to be scaring short term investors here off a bit. They don't really understand that Trillion's propects are just a little different!
Let`s see if the total volume of trades of our shares will be sufficient to allow for a good push higher for Trillion. Are our shares being ignored for now?
It also depends what the sellers, choose to do today.
Sure, past recent trading has made me a short term skeptic, but I am open to positive surprises.
The company is about to come into production but the money hasn`t crossed the table yet.
Clouder, I not trying to bash the stock. I am still invested. I just have watched the recent downward selliing pressure from a technical point of view. I am trying to be honest with my perception. There is little point to pump the stock price, short term, if the numbers don`t add up.
I hope that the share price has reached an inflection point. From there it could go higher.
With respect to the overall market, we need at least two days of moves to higher levels, over the course of a week, before the overall market becomes more convinced. That`s what I heard on Market Call yesterday.
Are we dealing with a series of dead cat bounces? Going forward, is this move, for real?
Time will tell!
All the best! Java