Thanks for the update about the recent financial news from Turkey. It's all good!
As you know, higher inflation in Turkey is only better news for Trillion shareholders.
As we all now, Trillion is paid by the Turkish government in US dollars.
Because of this incredible inflationary pressure, the price paid to the company will continually rise on a monthly basis.
The company never deals in Turkish Lira at all. Even their employees are paid in US dollars. US dollars are also paid to acquire all the equipment and drilling platforms that the company needs to purchase and to lease.
And if any limited windfall tax, in Turkey is ever introduced, it will also be paid in US dollars.
In Turkey, the US dollar is king! When the value of the US dollar goes up, the Turkish Lira goes down!
So every month, a greater amount of Lira must be exchanged for the higher value US dollars to pay the company back, for its production, on a continuing basis.
This fact guarantees better profits for Trillion from its future production in the many months and years to come.
My guess is that once production commences, Trillion Energy, could be taken over!
However any prospective company purchaser, wouldn't want the price to rise too much, before they announce their bid.
Who may be responsible for the unsually large volume of buying?
Some corporate entity which steals a company on the cheap!
Many shareholders, are already selling, very willingly. The volume of sellers is increasing on a daily basis.
With a slightly higher price, what smaller sum of greater money would induce the rest, just to do the same?
But even a corporate thief, unwilling to take, too many chances, may decide to pay a better price!
And Trillion could even be, the better take over candidate, just before, the company starts production!
All the best! Java