RE:Q4 f/s champ That's what Mr. Salt said in one of the latest videos they put fact I believe it may have been suggested as *late q4* . A Christmas present perhaps? They keep saying *SO MUCH SALT*....right. So how much in the initial SaltDome? Gotta be billions of tons right. If that's the scenario...and if they're prepared to spinout/sacrifice the dome/PLUS? There's no FS yet.. perhaps they're still drilling because....more, better/bigger things have been OR the drill is stuck? LOL IF that is a possible scenario...perhaps more SO MUCH SALT is a divergence? The Newfoundland Premier did say "NICKEL", nickel for goodness sakes. Perhaps.....they have Nickel or aka VB 2.0 We know one thing for certain...we have/are sitting on 10B+ Tonnes of 98% +/++ high-grade salt with FS pending. Anything else adds further value to Atlas $Salt The New White Gold. Perhaps some may have an inkling or are purely guessing.... In my humble opinion, I would guess thd combined value of SALT & Triple Point (if its even listed) $76.00 PLUS per share. All in my humble opinion of course.. Best, & enjoy the weekend.