All very good points. I would add, or agree, that at some point, perhaps soon, what the Fed does will no longer matter. With all the madmen, and in the UK a madwomen, loose in the world, it does seem that the up and coming financial reckoning could be the least of our problems. All good for gold of course.
And it seems to me that equity markets, especially in the USA, are delusional. We will be singing: "Where have all the good times gone?", soon me thinks. Low rates and lots of money sloshing about worked very well for a dozen years after the last financial melt down in 2008/9, when inflation stayed in the stock markets and housing markets mostly. So if things don't blow up, and you gotta hope they don't , even tho' as a goldbug you might hope they do; then the new way forward will be one of enough inflation to keep rates somewhat elevated at a minimum, no money printing so higher taxes and less gov spending (to pay for the higher payments on the debt) , very slow to negative growth perhaps for a long time or what seems forever.
Anyway, enough. And The Coup? Definitely be yesterdays news tommorow. Interesting it probably means more Russian security. But they are just doing it for the money, so probably not get involved politically.