Newcoin I wanted to share this moment...Braxia is down again $0.05-0.01 | -16.67%Bid: 0.045 x 194000Ask: 0.055 x 55000
Newcoin bolster me with your reassurance of this rising to a dollar a share by Christmas. You promised last year and the year before. You where wrong both times but I miss your delusional pumping.
Tell me again how Roger is the best and Braxia is still the leading provider of whatever it claims to be providing. I know you're licking your wounds from other boards/stocks having their way with you but I really need you so I can can laugh once more. Maybe you could resurrect Korncob and put on another show or two. Come on spin some more homophobic, tinfoilhat craziness like you used to. You, like Roger, and like Braxia are still the best.