Beware the Saudis, JoeWe hear Joe is fuming against the Saudis for cutting back oil production by 2M a day. That would presumably cause the gasoline price in the States to go up and it may even cost the Democrats the Nov. elections. When dealing with the Saudis one would recommend caution given the criminal history from that Kingdom. We'll recount a few: The 9/11 is said to have been engineered in Saudi Arabia by Bin laden. The first and the second Gulf War was triggered by the Saudis when they sold the War bonds that had sold to Sadam Husein to City Bank and in turn they forced Sadam to honour them and Sadam refused triggering the 1st Gulf War. Three years ago the flamboyant prince of the realm organized the killing and dismemberment of Koshogi a Saudi Liberal criticising the Prince. On top of that the US dollar has been tied to the Saudi oil ever since it came off the gold standard in the early'70s. Lately the Saudis seem to boycot the dollar by trading in Chinese yuan or Roubles. Joe with his liberal ideas has criticized the Prince and has soured relations with S Arabia. Something that has angered the prince hence his hostile actions against the US.