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Infinity Stone Ventures Corp C.GEMS

Alternate Symbol(s):  GEMSF

Infinity Stone Ventures Corp. is a Canada-based company. It is a diversified, single-source supplier for the critical energy metals alongside its established software as a service (SaaS) solution portfolio. It serves battery and wind turbine manufacturers, nuclear and hydrogen energy producers, and energy metals speculators. It has acquired 100% the Goldstone Project in Saskatchewan in the area of Ramp Metals Inc., new Gold Discovery, with the ground adjacent to Fathom Nickel Inc.; the Thor manganite occurrence located in Quebec; ground in Ontario and British Columbia in the area of American Eagle Gold Corp. and Defense Metals Corp.; ground adjacent to Frontier Lithium in Ontario; and ground adjacent to Li-FT Power in the Northwest Territories, and ground adjacent to Power Metals in Ontario. It has also acquired 100% interest in a Rare Earth project located in Quebec, having high value of Gallium and Gadolinium.

CSE:GEMS - Post by User

Post by stockpatrolon Oct 07, 2022 5:26pm
Post# 35013300

GEMS.c featured on the market herald discussing their latest

GEMS.c featured on the market herald discussing their latest
GEMS.c featured on the market herald discussing their latest news.
GEMS.c recently closed $2.1M private placements, and announced intent to dual list on ASX. 
They believe their company will be in a better position listing on the Australian market.
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