RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:What a haircutOptGreen wrote: You are spot on Home, StarCrud is nothing but bullshite and has never been anything but weak and tiny minded noise...feckless barking to get someone to sell and the more he pukes sell, odds are it is a strong buy. Just low quality entertainment, but the more time he spends here begging for someone dumb enough to believe him and sell speaks volumes about where Canopy is going. JMHO...Opt
Let's be clear, Canopy couldn't pay its $1.86 billion debt and they can't generate a profit. They have declining revenue from the two previous quarters. The competition will not disappear. I look at the situation as a whole. With the poor pardon law by Biden, it is obvious the legalisation will take a very, very, very long time. The US companies are also struggling in their own market so the legalisation will not have the effect you think. I assume CGC will be a penny stock at that time.
I don't base my choice on hope and dream but the reality of the number. people who think I am bashing should get out of the stock market. The reality are the numbers below. Canopy is not even profitable so how will they pay for the $1.86 billon debt? CGC will need to not only be profitable but very, very, very profitable and I don't see how it can happen. Anyway, the big story will be to buy the US companies. Trulieve climbed $4.52, also many on the US side that kept their gain, unlike CGC -$1.33, with a 630 points drop from the DOW. I don't expect the US side to correct and I am not a buyer anyway.
My point is the price movement on the US with the cheap Biden pardon law that will bring nothing to the financials of companies. I was quite surprise by the price movement and obviously, it will be a lot more with the legalisation. The US side will benefit financially. They can't borrow from the main banks, customers can't use credit cards, the salary of employee can't be deducted for tax, and many others tax disadvantages.
If CGC is bankrupted, it will take time. If CGC don't, it will struggle for 10 years if they ever make it. The bagholders are named this way because they hold their slipping dream based on wishes and future fantasy scenarios, not with numbers. I take into account the well manage US private companies and many can't do it.
Canopy numbers
Goodwill -1.21% 1.866 billion
Declining revenue from 2 previous previous quarters (million) Total Revenue -1.48% 110.12 111.77 140.97
Total Liabilities Net Minority Interest -7.56% 1.834 billion
How will Canopy pay its debt when they are not profitable.
Their target is not even EBITDA but "ajusted" EBITDA.