DottySo lets connect some dots.
Dot: ES passes up on cheapies.
Dot: no new investments in nfld since Crux. Bloody Brits.
Dot: No bot deal. Shares sold into the market. Dan's market. Turns out nfg is the one selling, not Brits
Dot: New guy. ES guy with experience. Why bring him in?
Dot: ES last purchase was at $8.45 or so.
Dot: Henry sold.
Dot: Assays taking the stairs, not the elevator
Dot: Drilling shallow holes only.
Dot: Previously drilled and dropped by others
Dot: Ceo, Pres have other interests
Dot: amateur talking points. Gander, hydro, hwy.
Need a pencil? An Etch a Sketch?
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a Swan zone?