Fort Knox on Steroids!!! This is the best gold discovery since Arequipa. If the market can't figure that out there is nobody left investing in the gold sector. SGD has discovered an Absolutely incredible gold deposit. Not only are the grades exceptionally high for this type of intrusion related gold system but it's huge with all 8 holes delivering excellent grades over hundreds of meters. It truly is Fort Knox on steroids!!!
@HHorseman ‘Grades from V-22-010, 2.55 gpt Au over 318.8m, confirm the presence of a robust high-grade core to the huge Valley discovery. Compared to other Tintina type gold systems, these grades are multiples higher proving Valley to be an exceptional discovery.’ – Dr. Quinton Hennigh
@HHorseman ‘Grades from V-22-010, 2.55 gpt Au over 318.8m, confirm the presence of a robust high-grade core to the huge Valley discovery. Compared to other Tintina type gold systems, these grades are multiples higher proving Valley to be an exceptional discovery.’ – Dr. Quinton Hennigh