RE:RE:Where's Waldo?Sporty sounds like Dfly. OK so where we at? Kawa identified multiple thin section, non commercially viable zones that in their aggregate into one zone because of hydrocarbon migration would accumulate hundred of billions of barrels. Oyl fec believes that when penetrating the Campanian in Wei then they will hit commercially valuable oil. The market believes them. Why? Because the market is not stupid. Do you really think that a company with over 330 million deficit in share holder equity with zero revenues would even be listed? Nope yeah I know exactly all of the operational jargon and know what it means. Sporty the key metric is the size of those Campanian, Santonian sections. Seems that market betting on pretty decent results no matter what oregon duck says. What ducks migrate to Oregon anyway? I went by motorcycle from Seaside through Coos Bay to the border of northern Califotnia. No ducks. Just farting, belching, stinky sea lions.