RE:RE:If Kawa were compeley dryYeah Oregon, they're listed. At 1 or 2 cents per share. Oyl at around 90. Why? Because they got something. So HP Sauce can't figure out what they have because you claim that they have no porosity data. BS. The mud loggers, who are geoligists, can and do figure out porosity from the cuttings samples that they collect at the shakers.
But porosity in and of itself means little. You can have rock like shale with over 30% porosity with oil in its pores yet oil will not flow because the pores are isolated and not interconnected with other pores because shale has zero permeability which is why they frac it to create permeability.
So does the rock in Kawa have permeability? If they took kicks then it definitely has permeability. We don't know that they took kicks on Kawa but my guess is that they took plenty judging by the share price.