RE:OmG thank you Hexo Well omg, enjoy your cash now - the big winners will be guys like queerlash who's sticking with the Dollar Cost Averaging method. Sure - his money is tied up in a .20 cent stock - while you invested in other sectors and made money instead, but the long term hold is the way to go.
Queerlash has personally sampled some products - and had family members try others. Very good reviews.
How can you argue with research like that?
OhyayaOmgWTF - (10/14/2022 8:54:23 PM)
OmG thank you Hexo
For being such a POS stock that I sold early..Took all those early gains and bought Great stocks like Enbridge, Cenovus, Ovv..Dividens are great, its like free money. Living the dream on Kuiai today. Paradise on earth.Great windy drive up the mountain for some awesome pictures of the Kalalua valley. Amazing !!! This is better than living in your car watching your money slowly fading away . Keeler knowd what its like to have money.. Quin I bet you can find a book and look at pictures of the valley at the library.oMg!!!