therealmccoy wrote: you get on the sideline there raphaelle2,,, and take sorrenson (who is just Zaphod/ZapFUD with a new account) and tamarackflop with you too.... you 3 bozos contribute zilch.... sorrenson is just Zaphod reincarnated (check Zaphod's history,,, posts constant FUD and negativity,, then "goes camping" and never comes back..... same user "cleverly" creates the sorrenson/sorryson account about 2 weeks before ZapFUD disappears.... anyone can see through this and sorrenson's post that it is the same user/ZapFUD..... also pretty sure that raphaelle2 and sorrenson are the same person using different accounts,,, pathetic..... tamarackflop is another dumb clown who is hiding from the xebec (XBC) board...... you say what you want about me raphaelle2,,,, I'm not changing, I like me,, my SH readers like me,,, because what you read is what you get,,, i'm the real article,, i'm therealmccoy
raphaelle2 wrote: Hey therealmccoy why dont you stay on the side line for a minute, because you bring no value to this exchange.
You keep repeating the same a broken record! Lets go back to Winston123 first:
Assuming that your numbers are about right ( which they are not, but I will be generous !) you are saying that 80 X 1 MW plasma torches will be required to run your furnace ( 20 X 15M BTU/hr/ burner, about = 80 MW, total).
PYR will be delighted by the annual cost of the spare parts ( electrodes and rebuild ) which will amount to about 80 torches X 100,000$/yr/torch = 8 Millions Total only in spare parts!!
( Note : I am using PYR estimated maintenance costs).
( Note that my maintenance numbers are most likely underestimated. Because the costs of copper special alloys is going through the roof since Covid!, and will not come back). But, this is only a minor objection to potential EXPONENTIAL EXPLOSION ( typical 3P expression) of their small plasma torches sales ...
This dream scenario is not going to happen any time soon, IMHO, for others, more critical reasons:
1- Short electrode life not compatible with continuous process. ( just estimate the down time with 1,000 hres electrode life for a single furnace needing 80 torches!!!) ( This is the beauty with gaz/oil burners)
2- Too small power ( MW) per torch, which makes the infrastructure cost/ maintenance explode)
3- Very specialised maintenance and operation. ( Plasma torch is much more that just the little gun. The capital/maintenance costs of compressors, deionised water cooling circuit/towers and power supplies )
This is more again that just costs. This require very specialised work force difficult to maintain in remote locations ( where gaz is still not available).
4- How to make sure that you are not creating NOx issues...
And there is this question of electricity acces, which need to be GREEN . On this subject dont need Einstein's brain to figure out in which direction the bill will move...
Bon Dimanche to all.
GLTA. therealmccoy wrote: give it a rest sorryson,, you continually post fud and paint everything in a negative light.... drink your morning coffee and get a life, , look yourself in the mirror and ask how you can make you and the world a better place.... and take tamarackflop with you.... PyroGenesis is the real deal,, this train is just getting started,, , and i'm thereaImccoy!!!!
sorrenson wrote: sorry but ...check your math
Bunker trades today at 700 per tonne so 2.33 per us gallon 61.9 cents a liter so presuming the rest is correct the bunker cost is $ 118192 per day not $288,000
but lets look at plasma math
Im going to presume your 15 million BTU is correct and lets compare electrical
15000000 btu works out to 4400 kwh , Plasma effeciency would be 50 to 75% but we will use 75%
That brings it up to 5867 kwh x 20 torches x 24 equates to 2816160 KWH . Brazil industrial electrical rate was .159 usd per kwh March 22 but climbing at over 25 % a year.
Without inflation PLASMA IS $ 447,769.44 a day in electrical based on your 15 million BTU 20 burner 24 hours ,.Then you have massive infrastructure costs. This extremely higher costs line up with the cenent thesis
Say Natural Gas at $10 per million BTU which is 30 % over today I come up with $72000 a day in gas for the 20 burners at 15 million
Im sure there is effiency drops etc but still way cheaper both in operation and infrastructure costs .
Please provide alternative numbers as this was rough and before my morning coffee
Winston123 wrote: The typical furnace has anywhere between 25-40 fuel burners. Each burner is pumping out a whooping 15,000,000 btu/hr. Divide that by 140,000 btu and u get 107 gallons per hr. Times that by 4 and you get , let's say 400L to be nice. So that's 400L per burner per hr. Now times say 20 burners(small furnace). Ok so 8000L per hr for the induration furnace. But wait. It runs 24 hrs a day. Oh my. 8000x24=192000L per day. Those dual tanker trucks you see at your favourite gas station are 50000L trucks. So thats a grand total of 4 dual tanker trucks per day in one small induration furnace. Wowzers. Now 192000L x $1.50 = $288,000 per day. It shouldn't be a surprise that these companies want to switch out heat sources. They have a dirty little secret. Once the masses find out they be begging for plasma torches.