B.C. HYDRO Well Stan,
I would say you haven't dne your homework.
If you read the latest press release you'd have figured out what was said about - electricity.
Evidently you missed that.
So, to refresh yourself, here's a map of B.C. and i wil lassume you're well versed with the location presented. Which is, the hwy that runs from Driftwood depoist runs clear down to Cranbrook,
Do take notice of, Gibraltar claims on the way.
That's right stan, B.C. hydro runs along same path.
Now reread the press release.
https://apis.mail.yahoo.com/ws/v3/mailboxes/@.id==VjN-5QiH52KGhJJafvgCjwmzVF72v8JvbmsrnIdTvAMeA9MSO1o-idfBnsll3s9AMp2LsVOAykft_OCWIB6Ledswcw/messages/@.id==AJkaHCMZjAMqY0xmZwGaKCoQJKQ/content/parts/@.id==2/thumbnail?appid=YMailNorrin BRAKE THROTTLE - Available electricty - based on buying selling electricty - trade with USA.
I would say, there's most likely enough hydro,
It's just a matter of, when Canada or should i say, B.C. buys or sells ( transacts ) with the U.S.
NARWHAL ARTICLE - excerpt - Dec. 3, 2019 Neither the Canada Energy Regulator nor Statistics Canada could provide annual data on electricity imports and exports between B.C. and Alberta.
But you can watch imports and exports in real time on this handy Alberta website, which also lists Alberta’s power sources.
In 2018, California, Washington and Oregon supplied considerably more power to B.C. than other states, according to data from Canada Energy Regulator.
Washington, where about one-quarter of generated power comes from fossil fuels, led the pack, with more than $339 million in electricity exports to B.C.
California, which still gets more than half of its power from gas-fired plants even though it leads the U.S. in renewable energy with substantial investments in wind, solar and geothermal, was in second place, selling about $18.4 million worth of power to B.C.
And Oregon, which produces about 43 per cent of its power from natural gas and six per cent from coal, exported about $6.2 million worth of electricity to B.C. last year.
By comparison, Nebraska’s power exports to B.C. totalled about $1.6 million, Montana’s added up to $1.3 million, Nevada’s were about $706,000 and Wyoming’s were about $346,000.
Clean electrons or dirty electrons?
Dan Woynillowicz, deputy director of Clean Energy Canada, which co-chaired the B.C. government’s Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council, says B.C. typically exports power to other jurisdictions during peak demand.
Gas-fired plants and hydro power can generate electricity quickly, while coal-fired power plants take longer to ramp up and wind power is variable, Woynillowicz notes.
“When you need power fast and there aren’t many sources that can supply it you’re willing to pay more for it.”
Woynillowicz says “the odds are high” that B.C. power exports are displacing dirty power.
“As a consumer you never know whether you’re getting a clean electron or a dirty electron. You’re just getting an electron.”
LINK - https://thenarwhal.ca/clean-b-c-is-quietly-using-coal-and-gas-power-from-out-of-province -heres-why/ Getting the macro picture Stan ?
You see Stan,
i would say it also involves the reshapong of the Westenr Coast.
If you've kept up on matters,
Oregon, Washington, Claifornia and i believeIdaho, have some sort of union forming.
Grouping the statesd together.
Now... if anyone can remeber a few years back...
didn't another say, wouldn't it be nice if, B.C. was apart of , ???
EXCERPT - California relies on out of state electricity imports to meet
one-third of its current electricity demand. California’s
Renewables Portfolio Standard also requires utilities to source 20% of the electricity sold in California in 2017 from renewable sources. This
target is set to increase to 33% by 2020 and 50% by 2030. Notably, more than
85% of B.C. generation is from hydropower and nearly 95% is from non-emitting sources.
LINK - https://www.cer-rec.gc.ca/en/data-analysis/energy-markets/market-snapshots/2017/market-snapshot-electricity-exports-from-b-c-california-are-increasing.html Surely you can read and undersatand the above excerpt, Stan ?
See where the future of B.C. hydro is headed by 2030 ?
Does that set date initiative ring a bell ?
So, Stan...
i've address my own concerns and - provided solutions. ( formula 73 )
safeguarding shareholders and juniors and the wealth of the minerals.
But, i guess your still tripping on common investor knowledge - sit, wait, wonder why the stock or many stocks are not moving northward - when in reality, there are perhaps 10 other chess games in play.
I'll offer another...
The junior should test for more minerals at Driftwood, and well, Matysville.
It does no good running with basic dolos with a magnesium twist.
More minerals found - such as criticla - increases the odds of what's at stake.
Secondly... creating own -electricity.
They've got mega quartz - which could generate electricty if, engineered correctly.
Quartz has an inherent ability to harnass electricty -
Porbing deeper - i would say it involves strssing the quartz which releases the electricity and upon expansion it reabsorbs electricity from, atmosphere to keep integrity of the crystal.
Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to applied mechanical stress. The word Piezoelectric is derived from the Greek piezein, which means to squeeze or press, and piezo, which is Greek for “push”. Or... run with solar, would have to purchse from another, with the irony of, having thier own silicon in quartz - pardon the pun.
Or... delve into - hydrogen -
splitting water which is abundant - to make hydrogen gas - convert to electricty using the hydrogen to turn a turbine generator.
Junior must improvise, using same " talking points " that fal lunder - clean, green, to play the same game as others.
Sitting, waiitng upon hydro, permitting, enviro...
when in actuality these are the bumper zones of, delfect in which is used to control.
Do love your humor Stan...
You made me giggle with your dubious appraoch.
Now open up the - CMMP
inform yourself.
You'll be surprized what's going on.
Which is why i suggested - formula 73.
Applying an in situ value to the stock safe guards junior, shareholder, depoist.
If stock had a backing of in situ - based on portion spot value of mineral / metal...
The stock would have a foundation that's backed by a spot value ( portion of )
Has 100,000 gold ounces
Has 200 mil shares out
Spot gold - $2200 cdn ( hypothetical )
x 100,000 oz
= $220,000,000 mil ~ 200,000,000 mil shares out
= $1.10 / share price
That's out of ground price - which wouldn't apply to a junior with in situ -
So... i devised a formula 73.
70% - assigned to future major - they too have to profit
30% - assinged to junior ( in situ value )
Some may think 30% is far to high...but is it really, or more like, what shareholders and junior
are worth. Keep in mind, junior sotcks traded far higher backin the 80's - 90's.
This new market of valuating juniors with billion in situ under a nickel... is not right.
x 30%
= $66,000,000
~ 200 mil shares out
= $0.33 cents per share.
This is how it should be.
Fixed on a 30% of spot metal value never to under this fixed rate - it would eliminate shorting,
and all sorts of games, and safeguards jujior and shareholder of it's true value.
70% is reserved - based on, not out of ground, and for future buyer. miner of the gold, ensuring a profit margin baked in.
It would instantly correct what's happening to our markets at present.
The more the junior drills, more ounces or pounds of metal added,
the stockwould fluctuate based on shares out, vs, new metal ounces or pounds and spot metal prices.
And this is how i feel it should be.
A protection is created for the wealth of junior and shareholder.