RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Post AGM questionsEthics, maestro? Why are you here practically name-calling anyone when their opinion is not aligned with yours? To me, you are a sign of very weak leadership. Forget the idea about you joining the Poet BOD, I don't think you would cut the mustard. With how your personality is protrayed here, probably no one could hang around and work with you. You seem to have this strong need to judge quickly and harshly and you seem to try to sound intimidating and authoritative in a juvenile way on this bullboard.
You seem to go out of your way to try and impress readers with your personal life experiences while at the same time you show readers the seemingly low side of you. All you seem to have here is condescention toward others and name-calling. So how would that look on your resume for a BOD position for an armchair poster quarterback that thinks he has all the answers while only having part of the story like anyone else here. If you had ethics, wouldn't you be much more respectful to others rather than constantly gossiping about them? Ewe sea.