RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:.45LOL have fun counting pennies I'm all cash now buying 1-2 day dip as the market continues to spiral down. This is not a Turkey gas play anymore. Zero activity for years now. Turkey will team up with anti Nazi Russians for turnkey cheap gas through a turnkey southstream that's 100% ready to build. Thay can sell the gas to Nazi supporters at 400% markup on 20 yr deals though it seems even German deals are not worth the paper they are on haha. Then they can take care of Nazi loving greeks trying to seize their offshore oil and gas and produce maga volumes from there. VLE is now a Micky mouse play run by failed csuite worth $200K year tops. Don't need much for last boys at Canada' s favorite poverty porn destination in Asia hahah. Should buy Goos...they may be providing the Nazi winterwear with the Feds $10M gift to Nazis in UA haha.
RockLobster1 wrote: woodsmen wrote: firstworld wrote: I could care less about pennies I was on the .40 to $6 ride with 200K shares and could care less. I dumped the last VLE trade profits plus another $300K into NCLH for a 16% gain.
Yup sure you did, spoken like the true F@cktard that you are....
It's a real shame that hedge funds have a policy against hiring people who live in their parents basement... Or he could use his amazing hindsight to get a great job....