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Metalex Ventures Ltd V.MTX

Alternate Symbol(s):  MXTLF

Metalex Ventures Ltd. is a Canada-based company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties. The Company’s principal projects are located in Quebec and northern Ontario (U2), Canada. Its overseas projects are located in South Africa, Morocco and Mali. Its projects include Wemindji James Bay Property, Kyle Lake Property, Viljoenshof Diamond Project and James Bay Lowlands Property. It has a 100% earned interest in mineral claims located in the Kyle Lake area of Ontario, located approximately 200 kilometers (km) west of James Bay in Northern Ontario and about 80 km west of De Beers’ Victor Mine. It also has an interest in various mineral claims located in the Wemindji James Bay region of Quebec for the exploration of diamonds and owns 100% of the non-diamond project. It also has a 100% interest in certain mineral claims in the James Bay Lowlands area of Northern Ontario. It has a 70% interest in the Viljoenshof Diamond Project in South Africa.

TSXV:MTX - Post by User

Comment by pennymaker69on Oct 17, 2022 10:11pm
Post# 35030509

RE:Chuck will tap the money pipeline

RE:Chuck will tap the money pipelineOk and how they gonna push it up to the 25 cent level? a roll back?

Oregonduck wrote: There are 12.2 million 10 cents warrants outstanding for exercise from Dec 23 thru to Jan 15,2023. That will bring in about $1.22 million to the treasury. In addition, about 840k options are vested and exercisable at 8 cents. Another 3 million plus options at 15 cents.

I think MTX will push up to $0.25 level by Feb 2023. Any JV announcement would lit up this stock like fireworks. Rio Tinto could be the rocket fuel. MTX is in the right sector as government here and the US are desperately wanting to develop the critical rare metals industry for the EV's industry.

MTX is a stealth stock out of most people's radars.

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