PUMPERS turned LIARS and CRIERS...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......I LOVE IT knowing I am under the skin of these poor lost pupos so bad that the only retaliation they have is their childish LIES with ZERO proof and ZERO credibility.......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......I have reposted the proof of every accusation I have ever made on here and the BAGHOLDER/LOSERS can't deny it, so they try and change the subject.....tsk tsk.....WHAT TOTAL COWARDS.....Some of them are sooooooooooooo AFRAID of me, they won't even answer me when I ask them if they even own shares.......HOW COWARDLY is that?????.......I guess I hurt them tooooooooooooooooo bad when i shorted Isol and took their $$$$$$$.......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.........