Why Does A Junior Mining Company Drill Holes ?A Junior company drills holes to prove up a resource( NI -43-101 Thats GOLD umm Copper lol) . WHEN they hit big and Bay has hit well over Ultra high grade Copper on most holes ON ITS MAIDEN Program with more assays coming then down the road they get bought out by a Big Mega buck company that can do an open pit and umm yah yah TWO 100% owned Gold plays as well . Now we know Broughton of Ivanhoe(Former Bay Geo ( Sp over 8$ last time I looked ) and Ceo TOM Believe Storm is the next Congo and have stated that and these guys know there stuff and hey JV ? Maybe . These are World renown Geos . Resources to market posted and yes remote but hey many companys pay a LOT more to truck and then Barge Bulk and again Posted . Then you have the small minds that lament they bought at 4.5 Cents and happy to get out at 5 LMFAO . Please do as beer money is not for us as long see much more potential . Last but not least only a moron bashes a stock he owns so IMO He already sold as Walmart has a special on underwareand socks this weekend . Its a play that can be huge in TIME. Info not bashing postive posters should be the focus of newbies . Long Bay .