My experience and opinionsGaps in the chart is code for: 1. I missed out and want to create a pullback
2. I am a member of a short and distort ring about to
attack your equity with multiple characters sowing
and fear to make you sell b4 we switch and go long
Watch out for @Tonytwoshoes as he is seen often with @Eljoro and @Crustydragon has an outright man crush on Eljoro Very easy to check id's on other site by clicking on a name and scrolling post history. @RD85 was shown the light today of his alleged gap being non-existent when checked against ATS data of all exchanges so hopefully that is the end of that nonsense, although without further catalysts our sp may pull back now which is a normal function of juniors.
@JSSR is a somewhat independant swingtrader or hybrid like myself who often use core and trading positions, so he is another one to watch for clues.
Most importantly if you feel you must use stop losses because you can't monitor at work PLEASE make them as low as you can tolerate. In my experience on junior exchanges in Canada Vultures with level 3+ data see all stop losses and when tempted will dump the price down just to scoop stop lossed shares.
Know what you own and trust no one but yourself ultimately. Cheers