Hey Carol,Do you remember back on June 7th/2022 you posted that you called Tusk and they told you they were fully funded for summer drilling and definately would be drilling, then 9 days later they released the news that they raised $290,000.00 through a private placement and then never even drilled??????....My question is, who lied, you or the company????......Or are you toooooooooooooo afraid and tooooooooooooo ASHAMED to respond?????......I am betting you are tooooooooooo big a COWARD to reply. Because, unlike you BAGHOLDERS turned LIARS and CRIERS, I have proof of all my accusations, so youR post of this is next......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.....Watch as Carol refuses to respond......I LOVE IT!!!!!!......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...