CO2 + H2O = ELECTRICITY DOLOMITES = Calcium carbonate + Magnesium Carbonate
Removing the carbonate
= CO2
What does one do if a province can't expend a bit of electricity -
too busy selling it stateside - playing brake + throttle ?
One makes their own electricity using carbonic acids.
Bugaboo creek, Driftwood creek, and a few pond lakes on Driftwood.
In fact, scientists see promise for co2 batteires.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dutch scientists have thought up a new use for all the carbon dioxide that pours from the chimneys of fossil fuel-burning power stations: harvest it for even more electricity. LONDON, 15 August –They could, they argue, pump the carbon dioxide through water or other liquids and produce a flow of electrons and therefore more electricity. Power-generating stations release 12 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide every year as they burn coal, oil or natural gas; home and commercial heating plants release another 11 billion tonnes.
This would be enough, they argue, to create 1,750 terawatt hours of extra electricity annually: about 400 times the output of the Hoover dam in the US, and all without adding an extra gasp of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. So the exhaust from one cycle of electricity production could be used immediately to deliver another flow of power to the grid. They make the claim in a journal called
Environmental Science and Technology Letters, which is published by the American Chemical Society, and the claim rests on a 200-year-old technique pioneered by Sir Humphry Davy and Michael Faraday: electrolysis.
Bert Hamelers of Wetsus, a centre for water excellence in the Netherlands, and colleagues from Wageningen University report that they used porous electrodes and flushed carbon dioxide into water to get their flow of current: the gas reacted with the water to make carbonic acid, which in the
electrolyte became positive hydrogen ions and negative ions of the bicarbonate HCO3. As the pH of the solution gets higher, the bicarbonate becomes a simple carbonate and the higher the CO2 pressure, the greater the increase of ions in the solution. In their experiment, they found that as they flushed their aqueous electrolyte with air, and alternately with CO2, between their porous electrodes, a supply of electricity began to build up. Since the air that comes from the chimneys of fossil fuel-burning power stations contains anything up to 20% of CO2, even the emissions represent a potential for more power. They found they could get even more power if instead of a water solution they used an electrolyte of monoethanolamine. In experiments, this delivered an energy density of 4.5 mW a square metre. The irony is that this electrical energy is already potentially available at the top of the power station chimney, because on release one “solution” of greenhouse gas in air immediately mixes with a different-strength solution in the air all the time. Nobody of course has a way of harvesting this power directly, but an old-fashioned experiment with electrodes in a laboratory shows that huge quantities of potential power are being lost every day, in unexpected ways.
LINK - It's like.... giving the bird to - carbon tax.
Let's see.... Driftwood keeps getting better by the day... Magnesium = metal
Calcium = metal ( near good as metal as the mag )
Carbonate = CO2 to create carbonic acid =
MAKE OWN ELECTRICITY P235 = 2001 assay report stated
0 .11 % in some of the samples.
HYPOTHETICAL ( not investment advice - junior would have to test all cores )
8,000,000 tomnnes ( hypothetical )
x 0.0011 ( extra digit for multiplication )
= 8800 tonnes x 2200 ( pound conversion )
= 19,360,000 pounds
x $135/lbs
= potential ( if they ever moved thier lil butts and trsted for this throughout )
= and for cobalt too - purple shales - on lower side of western mountain.
And... calcium added to magnesium metal....
deters corrosion. ( read a paper on this very subject )
1% calcium added to magnesium metal = strengthens + corrosion resistent ( moreso )
Also... was reading up on the ( Kaiser + Occidental Magnesite report )
Their - 28,500,000 tonne resourceestimate appears - based on several zones.
That report shows actual photos of the deposit - several locations.
The magnesite / dolomites = peachy / white / grey.
So... those dark purple shales i pointed out....
I'd be making a beeline for those - wanting to test them...
Purple shales = slates + magnetite irons.
Purple Argillites - clays, clayey.
Uranium, Cobalt, Zinc, Niobium - love these types of ores.
And of courseuranoum loves the phosphates too - once popular mining uranium in phosphates and urnaium is on the rise in price....
This junior should make it's own electricity...
Find another engineering firm that smarter... wink.
One that's cutting edge with tech.