no I don't believe it is the investment bankers lining their pockets with cheap shares but most likely our partners where the majority of them have committed or plan to provide additional funding and sourcing parts something to that effect to accelerate the workover plan. I can't stand the .27 buy in but on the plus side I suspect the 2 million dollars will come into the company's coffers fairly fast and if our partners have the needed equipment on hand that that too will likely come fast so theoretically I see everything being fully taken care of within a months time...the company didn't give any time frame when it expects the pp to close or like you said when things will be up and running however my gut is saying as I said the two will be done within a month but this is based on nothing other than my gut so this should be taking with like a grain of salt. It isn't in anyone's interest for things to drag. I see this as another cheap transference of shares to our partners and as a reward for supporting the project...I hope that if any buyout divestment we get a way better price than those that we have seen our partners getting cheap buy ins...this is the second time. I hope what I suspect of any of the partners potentially walking down the price is all wrong but you just never know who does what but you do know that people like to get things for cheap. In any case given all that goes on with stocks nothing will surprise me in regards to who does the manipulating and the reason it is always better to take your money on the runs or you get something like this!!! 80 cents when it should have been well over a buck to what will now definitely be possibly as low as low to mid .20s to high .20s until the monies in the coffers. Like I said I am not liking this one bit but I have myself to blame for wanting to hold all my shares. Like I said this will be the last time because everytime I have come out on the losing end!!!