Jeffeys I love your share value that would be awesome if we get that and one I am holding for at least the best possible. I don't want to say no or put any obstacles to that price. As far as what I said about 100 million extra shares I was painting a very conservative scenario saying providing the company can keep shares below 200 million that would be great. Perhaps this ends at 150...we are at around 108 million right now as per sh information and yes this dilution will push that up by close to 15 million shares so that would be around 123 million. Now again I don't want to speak negative however many junior oil and gas companies got themselves over 200 million shares. Pqe is nearly 1 billion and from what people are stating about pei they are saying full dilution 500 million and so I am dragging my feet to acquire more in both. For whatever reason these ventures eat up too much costs and results in heavy dilution. I based things very conservatively. Now my scenario was me sharing why I stated I want $40/share if not more but I also shared based on what people may want to pay hoping it will be closet 10 billion vs anything less. The way I see it that is really only one quarter of Enbridges June 2022 gross revenue but the value is not only in further cost savings but also being seen and preferred as a very responsible corporate entity that cares about a clean environment and fully delivers on it that is quite priceless actually. I will leave things on the ideal I want the highest and best share value nothing honestly less than $40/share on my 5000 that I will be holding and waiting on. That said I will look to build traders possibly if it is the right move and within my price point to buy. I love the potential and it is really tough to put a value on this tech. Time will tell however for under a buck (the more cost effective one can grab the better) I don't think we can lose providing the tech is fully successful which there is a vastly greater probability yes than no. It is not worth for me to growl as this company continues to go through the process but rather as I say find the best of all worlds and be happily wagging my tail that is if I were a dog or Werewolf. No matter what I see a healthy profit here and grateful for it and super happy once I fully seize on the best price. $40 a share is the least I want and when any buyout price is raised anything else as below as I have said and will hold I will reject but it is likely when the oil part of things has ended whatever the best price is I will likely seize quite possibly in rendering all my shares. Let's see where things go. I still don't have a sense of a 1 year time frame just being honest no matter how much I would absolutely love that but all this depends very much on how fast the heating is up and running keeping in mind the company said initially either 6 months or 9 initially I forget which 6 I believe unless the partners wanted more data. I pegged this no less than a year to 2 years and given I talked about reproducibility two testing cycles so I figure it will be a year and a half to 2 years best guess however I can be happily wrong on time and share projection and I will happily eat crow on both...the higher the price shortest time fantastic my mind is fully open to that so bring 2023 Nov $150 I love what you think. That said let's see where things go.