looks like the 200 million club soon lol. This company will need to make good chunks of revenue to offset that as well as have high gross profit margins. Providing that the company is focusing on being a software application integrated into hardware it should be able to cut costs associated with physical products and should therefore have considerably higher gross profits. The huge costs as I was going on before is all manufacturing distribution and storing. If the company continues along software as it should and focus on it actually doesn't really need any physical space per sa and should use other people's spaces when assessing the type of software and trying to develop it. So if it is specific to hardware no doubt you would need to work with the prototype to integrate it and space can be negotiated with companies it is a waste for this company if not dealing in hardware to need to shell costs out as though as it is. If all software coding etc I would thinking all that can be handled between the texh team via encrypted online transmissions. Software for common things should be able to be adapted fairly fast and cheaply. Now I am speaking strictly from a software only basis and trying to figure out what to do with physical space which really isn't something this company should be paying for to any large extent as if it is only being integrated in others tech such as the one for the Korean car study Pristine the Chips this is not and should not be the company's expense nor should all costs related to physical products so in essence the company will likely work on an upfront cost plus a ongoing royalty in perpetuity. This is the way I would loom to move to cut costs and huge dilution and maximize higher profit margins. Remember what I said about DT no unless others take all the costs and we get the licensing/royalty revenue. So if no physical product again should not be paying to any large extent associated with all the costs. This should be an integrative software only company as far as I am concerned. These are only my thoughts I am not here to micromanage the company but will focus on managing my shares. So far seeing what is said well getting to a buck with 200 million shares and counting will be challenging not impossible however. I will not likely buy for more than a nickel as this company gives me 0 reason at this point to pay a premium. I paid that already. If I miss out oh well. I will need to be more fussy in what and when I buy into companies whether markets are weak or not. I am looking for short to mid term trading gain and .10 is too high for a .20 consideration as well as to get back up to .10 to .12. Exercise price at .12 so theoretically .06 should be max but that is a premium as to how this management has performed. A nickel or less is my strike point if it doesn't go there great I want all my shares to have stayed up. I am not in any rush with this or any other company especially in a super weak market although I should be as fussy in a bull one it is now about precision being fussy and properly executing on strike points where I will be up in the short to mid term while holding cores. Tough lesson I have learnt and to see that I have I will know by my performance which so far I haven't had a good chance to fully execute as the markets continued to be dragged down but not over buying thinking cheap has been a plus so far. I have a lot of work to do to clean up my own mess in the right way rime to turn things around systematically just like this company.