RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Tweet, Tweet, Fiddle, FiddleHis only job is to post his garbage and fill up the forum so new prospective investors can't get proper info on WHY NOT to invest in this scam of a company. The bagholders needs new money to cash out to the bigger suckers.
jamesz wrote: Realy Gilver. you the bigger scumbagger on this forum. you earned the scam badge long ago and you wear it well.nobody cares what you say becase everone knows your running on empty most the times.seems like you enjoy posting garbage for the sake of degrading the forum, PTK is going to have trouble financing and sp could sink much lower,around 1 buck is possible.Glad im not exposed to this garbage will be worthless soon and you wont be able to sell your shares.the beat up SP looks good on you and will look even better on you soon.
gilver wrote: Are you sure you want to be a bigger bagholder? That means when you bash, you will have a larger bag to bash and that will only make you nastier here? Are you sure? LMAO@the-hypocrite