RE:Blowsy is a Gelus HaiterAwwwwwwww Bruser the LOSER, stop trying to protect your child. There were already over 6 million shares on the bid at 1/2 a cent when Andy LeMORON said he was going to buy, so he didn't get any of the 1.3 MILLION shares that were DUMPED at HALF A PENNY, and there were already over a million shares on the ONE PENNY ask, so he didn't get to sell for that when 100,000 of them were sold. This clearly PROVES, he bought a ONE PENNY......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......Ptretty pathetic, when you try to LIE for your son and get proven to be a LIAR......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........PUMPERS turned to LIARS and CRIERS and Bruser the LOSER proves this......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA