TUD market Cap ..With such a small market cap one has to wonder how many free shares are actually out there? how few shares it will take to move this when the time is right... I have a hard time thinking that there is more than 20-30 % of the float actually being traded with the balance sitting in strong hands waiting for the day we get fair market value... The lower this goes, the less free trading shares we will see. With naked shorts now being scrutinized, this is most definately one play I do not see this happening.. It is just a matter of time and we will see a major run on this play.. Likely nothing changes prior year end apart from a little back and forth... In the new year, excitement likely returns knowing the PEA is in view and instituional buying hopefully begins. In the meantime, we patiently bide our time... For now we watch the TA on TUD and trade the numbers for entertainment.. watch teh excitment when even a 1.13 goes... Traders will work these numbers because we can't just watch paint dry forever.. Likewise, I would like to see 95-96 hold to build a solid bottom on TUD or the result is not so exciting...