RE:RE:RE:RE: Boehringer Ingelheim "Several commercially available formulations of spray-dried YBG were further PGX processed and tested following the installation of a new piece of equipment. Promising results obtained showing that this new unit should enable the production of uniform particle sizes nearly independent of suppliers." new release CZO tested "several" suppliers and of that PGX was "nearly" independent of suppliers. Being used for a drug CZO may need the very best suppliers. It may also skip China. It could be a short list of ideal partners.
Ciao wrote: With product from all 8 suppliers below, the PGX process was able to produce an identical end product that met spec. This gives CZO a lot of lattitude with suppliers, supply input risk is greatly diminished.
prophetoffactz wrote: CZO might have to commit to a YBG supplier for the fibrosis drug now as it also signs a deal for PGX-YBG/CoQ10, etc.