RE:RE:RE:Getting set up for the last minute downtickAll I can say is the bidding pipeline is growing. Currently sitting around $370 mil, it is to grow in the next 2 years to over $650 mil CVX being one of the biggest should capture big portion of it. Why because there are only a few c.c. companies and CVX agruably is the biggest in North America. The bidens infrastructure plan hasn't trickled all the way down to their key projects When the municipalities receive the funds from the federal government will go thru all who applied for the project Tbis takes months then at the end, reward the company with the project. If the s.p is coming down intentionally because they are trying to make way for this or these insituations then 1st they may be withholding key projects from us so that the s.p comes down for these institutions to get in. 2)all these prices all the way up to .65c is still cheap!! It's almost exactly what the oil and gold companies went thru several years ago whitecap for example tanked all the way down to .50ish c then recovered to go up to over $11.00 !!!!