A conservative 10%
of the Si metal market is twice the 5% Bernard said he'd be happy with...that was quite a few years ago.... and he was talking mostly about the solar market...today it's most of the big users of Si metals...aerospace and big auto and battery manufacturers ...there is a 90,000+lb or Kg ? shortage of Silicon metal...how big is this demand ? ..is it $38 billion and growing ? ....You can be sure if a very high quality Si metal that is made by the most environmentally friendly 1 step process...that's much better than any other process in use....and can be made to suit the customers needs...and sizes from nano to atomized to micron.....the HPQ'S portfolio has grown immensely and so has the interest of the manufacturers....for very good reasons.....I see $$ billions of reasons....and all of this for a bargain SP...UNREAL !...payday time is coming for the little investors , waiting time is dwindling fast..... ..uncleron is always right !..cheers