4 PlantsFor the 4th year in a row I've grown 4 weed plants and they keep getting better. This year's early sampling has exceeded all expectations and it should be get better with proper curing. The 4 plants filled 10 classico spaghetti sauce jars so it's a multi year supply. I also have a lot of really good trim which should give me several cups of infused oil.
That's the good news. The bad news is that trimming the stuff can be hard work and there is no guarantee of good weather. Anyone investing in weed should do this to get an idea of the work involved to produce good flower. You don't plant a seed, water it and pick buds in the fall. I can only imagine the challenges weed companies face when they are also dealing with 3 layers of govt regualtions and taxes Federal, provicincial and municipal govts all want to milk the cash cow so I wouldn't invest anything other than mad money in this sector.