RE:DisasterI will respectfully disagree with you on this point, JC, although I agree with many of your postings. Casino and Pebble are completely different beasts. Pebble was very high risk, albeit mammoth deposit, from the start. Numerous parties have dumped Pebble over the years due to absolutely no social license and "buy in" from the locals. Sumitomo as well as many others have dumped Pebble because it always stood no chance. Casino is completely different. 100% "buy in" from locals. No conflicts of interest at all (salmon runs, caribou , environment, absolutely nothing). The only person who can raise a ruckus is Lewis Rikind who will try to drum up some fringe people. Even Lewis does not have a chance to stand against this project. Casino will succeed...just a matter of time...Pebble will never succeed...Northern Dynasty was pushing punk wood, and thd Northern Dynasty knew that. Wouldn't touch them with a nine inch pole.