NahWhy go to Pappy when you can just look at wm and what the market thinks of them. Narrow veins with no background noise and not bulk mineable even though they are trying real hard to make it bulk mineable oi. "we are trying to improve the quality of our ounces and not the number of ozs", or something to that affect said the guy getting paid the big bucks oi. Fluffys stock.
As for Caibre, had you taken 10 seconds and checked the fellers history you would see hes a shareholder thus his post in defense of Toots Sweets whos losing his shirt on it. Toots being on your side in this battle. Everyones on your side. Ole Bucc is the only one on my side and yet youre the ones in trouble and not me.
Lets see whats new in the world oi.