Guy, just shut it and go back on your meds. Like seriously, you're only embarassing yourself at this point. Nobody wants to read the same useless garbage you've literally spewed hundreds upon hundreds of times.
MyHoneyPot wrote: I don't believe it, companies that have aready meet the rerate threshold have not rerated yet and ARX has a long way to go to match the balance sheet and share count that companies like TOU have.
TOU is not getting rerated, and they are going production, like a said already from 410,000 boe day in Q1 2021 to over 500,000 boe a day currently.
You have a Liberal government where the enviroment minister is calling for an end to share buybacks, while the continue the imports of foreign oil.
Companies like TOU don't have any debt to pay down, and their float in miniscule for a company that is producing 500,000 plus boe a day. 25 billion market cap, 336 million shares.
The valuation of these companies is not totally in their control, and as oil and gas commodity prices cycle so do the evaluations of these companies. So do you really want to trust Bibby and Terry, they have not done to well so far.
Paramount has 142 million shares, produces more than 100,000 boe/day, has more than 600 million on the balance sheet in equity of public, private, and company investments. No rerating, in fact they are trading at a discount to pier companies that i would consider fixer uppers, buying back shares and fixing the balance sheet. BTE, CPG, ARX, MEG
So when companies like this don't get rerated, and POU already trades thin with 50% insider ownerhips and only 70 million shares publicly traded, not by insiders. I don't believe the likes of Spread Sheet Jockies like Eric Nuttall and share holders are putting their investments ane cash at risk, and missing our on opportunity.
Any brain dead management team can simply buy back shares, it takes inteligent management like Mike Rose and Jim Riddell to create value.
ARX is in a bad spot, no growth opportunities, and poor execution. They are robbing the shareholders of a meaningful dividend, and buyback should be opportunistic, because commodity prices are constantly in flux.