RE:THE NEED FOR MEDI-CALL...Success of Medi-Call is fast becoming a reality, to your point Mut, our family Dr. just retired last month with no found replacemnet yet and the closest to finding a DR. thus far is a waiting list of 2-3 years long and thats a generous expectation. The babyboom professionals are exiting the workforce in droves including many in the healthcare industry. Telehealth will fill a void necessary at this point in time. This is not isolated to any one province but all provinces from coast to coast to coast. Expect a rollout nationwide of Medi-Call......
MUTDMUTD wrote: ...almost forgot to post this...I spoke to a wife of a Doctor friend of mine this weekend in passing... she shared the following with me... His practice has 13 Doctors in it.... they have approximately 24,000 patients between the 13 of them and more Doctors are retiring...yes, 24,000 patients... and she said many Doctors everywhere are retiring now if they can... further she said her husband's practice have over 1,000 people on the waiting list... over 1,000!... folks!...this is 1 practice in Ontario... there is a crisis going on for available and affordable health care and Medi-Call is aiming to bring both to all, as said by Marshall many times in many interviews... think of the needs for this that exist in Canada... Medi-Call is preparing to answer the call... quiet literally... even if only remote where in person is not feasible... think about the need for Medi-Call in Canada!... ALL IMO... DYODD...