RE:Just one BIG ole dumpster fire!Thanks for the heads up.
mrmomo wrote: That includes this sad board btw. Well, HexNo just posted very dismal results yet again and in addition, I see that Remus & Romulus are still at it 24/7 and nothing has really changed on that end either. For reference to what im talking about, please see the following link. It should explain everything, even lamest of laymens. Don't you guys get tired of posting the same worthless kr*p 24/7 all day all night with no reprieve? I mean seriously, don't both you (and you know who you are btw!!!) have like a or wives/girlfriends that must be "attented" to for that matter? I mean those poor women must be using all the fingers on their poor little hands, maybe even a few toes!! just not to go crazy and get bye....
Well, enough with the pleasantries and back to business! I don't really know WTH is going on with Hexo internally or externally, but one thing i can assure you is that it's a goddamn mess! The financials aside for just one little minute, lets talk about a few strange things that's going in the company......shall we? First it looks like retarded idea of Tyson 2.0 got the big ole boot and shown his pink slip by the company because of pressures from all over. What a surprise LMAO! Not! Whomever came out with that great idea or greenlited it in the first place should all be "you know what"...........-------->>>>>
And then of course that strange & crazy situation with their auditors PWC quietly leaving the scene of the "accident" trying to distance themselves from the crime scene & this blemished company. Who knew LOL? What really went on behind those closed doors and all that shady bolier room BS by "possibly" cooking the books, maybe even trying to do it under the noses of PWC, to make it seem like everything was fine & dandy? There must have been A LOT of S that happened on that front, but i very much doubt we will ever know the full extent or even the tip of that huge iceberg....
In addition, it seems they've finally put that "Zennabis" mess behind them. And yes that was another big ole mess up! Funny thing though, is it really true that Sundial actually picked up all the assets from BK & Hexo? It seems that way, but not confirmed just yet. It looks like Sundial has been on a tear recently, picking the carcases of a few dead or dying Lp's. Is Hexo next? LOL, could be.
Going back to addressing the financials, this will be brief. Why brief? Because as soon as i took a look at them, i knew it would be a complex & convoluted mess to decipher. All purposely done i suppose to hide many things and confuse, mislead the investor/shareholder. The books and the accounting of such a simple operation should not be this long, difficult to read or understand and so messed up. This was harder to get through than some of the big oil companies or Google & Tesla's financials. Which is crazy stupid if you think about it UNLESS it was purposely done so and the ensuing rift between the company & it's auditor would explain much on that end.
All i can tell you for certain on those riduculous financials, is that many things were well hidden & you need to be a cerified accountant with a lot of XP to find. Luckily for me, though i'm no CA i know how to read a financial statements, even some of the worst ones, like this one. I just didn't have the time, the will or the motivation to go thorugh that unholy mess. As i'm not a s/h, there was really no purpose or need to. For some of you that are and plan on being long term holders, i strongly suggest you do! For starters, you might want to consider or just try to find the info for the latest qtr......but.... good luck with that lol!
In the end, who really cares about Hexo anymore really? It's pretty much dead or dying and the only fools still making a big rukus are Remus & Romulus figthing over a dead Kingdom to see who will be crowned as the Jester King. Move on people.......there's really nothing to see here anymore.
Anyone who still wants exposure to the Cannabis sector, just in case you didn't get the message, should avoid this compant at ALL costs, unless you're just daytrading it. Though i would not rec'd anyone invest in the sector just yet, at least for another 6-8 months, if you really, desperately want to, then look elsewhere my friends........This one is DONE and has been for some time.