Check out that volume......not a single share was sold today and it closed with almost a million UNWANTED shares on the ONE PENNY ask!....BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......The BAGHOLDER/LOSERS have a combined average cost of over 10 cents a share, had their money tied up for years and can't even get ONE PENNY for them now......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.......Is it any wonder that most of these BAGHOLDING/LOSERS such as Heartbroke, Carol, Rhonda, Bruser the LOSER and his IDIOT son Andy LeMORON were also Isol BAGHOLDER/LOSERS that lost 100% of their investment to me when I shorted it to ZERO.......BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........Once a LOSER......always a LOSER!!!!....tee hee......