Onc real “ value” can be realized, only by scienceWe can talk, dream, compare until infinity.
The reality is this;
onc ( Pelareorep), needs to show efficacy or at least assist in efficacy with an acquiring pharma company.
That will become the basis of its moving forward potential value.
Assuming for example, the upcoming pancreatic cancer results match or even near the run- in resukts.
THEN, Pelareorep ( Onc) , becomes a blockbuster drug alongside Roche.
how much?.
The most conservative analysts out if RBC is using a single use of Pela for MBC at $5billion/ year.
the panc cancer, would be higher than that. Combined $ 10billion/ year in sales.
what is a product worth with that type of potential?
The market comparisons for less opportunities have been in the $8billion ++ range.
again, in 5 days, Onc will release various results.
on the 15th an additional KOL presentation.
who is the audience of that ?
not the small fry on these sites.
institutions, acquiring pharma, financial backers.
Those who own shares are not selling. Others siting watching , trying to make sense of the confusion.
you have 3 trading days left to take a well hedged gamble.
anyone shorting, you could wake up to a lot of pain next Monday.