RE:RE: I wonder what that portends after we get through the ...?
Great, so this is not an $8 stock in the near future, got it.
You can stop pumping about it, day after day.
Also great, you predicted a $.68 stock and it is at $.38, with many positive announcement since your announcement.
So you can stop pumping about this stock day after day after day.
Or else, you might sound like a seller on the busiest day of the week where the news has just not materialized into anything positive for shareholders. You have admitted to riding the wave here and of being happy with a 38 cent price when you have bought back at 22. That's your goal, I understand.
It remains that there is no other reason for you to continuously come here and pump the stock price with expectations through the roof, except to sell it and rebuy it, or to do a job paid for to incite people to buy. WTF would anybody think they have nothing better to do but to sell the merits of a stock? WTF would you not be completely enraged by the course the SP has taken over the years?
You do not appear to be sincere AT ALL. Nobody would be that interested in putting out their very favourable opinong about a stock and not be pulling out their hair about it seeing that it never, ever seem to follow a positive trend. No substantial SP increase? I guess it'l happen in the coming days. Still very little enrolment? I guiess it'll happen in the coming weeks. The SP is falling? It will come back up at this miserable level I am quite happy with, despite boasting that your precious stock will be in the tens of dollars "sooner than you think" and that people "could be very sorry for not buying" this now, because... because what, darnit? Either you thought it would explode in price and it didn't and you are mad about it, and can no longer vouch for it, or you actually never thought this was a medium term very good prospect and you just played the participants of this Board.
My only prediction that matters, is that this stock is very likely to disappoint investors, as it is what it has done since its beginning, without fail.
And if the SP pushed over $1 in the next two years as of now, I promise I will come here at least 3 times a week to bow before you and remind people how pessimistic I was.
Not $8 folks. Not even $.68 folks.