RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: I wonder what that portends after we get through the ...?
thx for the feedback Rikkie.
"Thanks for taking the time for writing such a thoughful and detailed response. Just so you know, I am not an inexperienced investor. I have already averaged down, and my EDT holding is not critical to my financial plan." smart - FP's do their clients a big disservice when they say you should never average down.
"I also doubt that my comments here have any impact on the share price as so few shares are in the hands of ordinary retail investors." Agreed. Although the presence of certain posters helps me to better time my buys and sells.
"You obviously spend a lot of time on ths board, are a very frequent poster and huge supporter of EDT. I would say that I am at times as frustrated as others, but still very optimistic. It's obvious to me that current SP does not reflect the underlying value. One day it should, as long as Mgt. does their job.
I can only hope that you are sincere and have no hidden agenda as others have accused you." I get accused of a lot of things. But I have no agenda other than to acquire cheaply and eventually sell higher. Most of my posts are an attempt to remind others that there is indeed some underlying value that has yet to be realized, despite frustrating delays and Yes some missteps. Biggest frustration is BoD 's apparent decision to defer value discovery until the bitter end. Being a glass half full guy, at least so far in 2022, it's holding up better than 98% of other equities.
"Wishing all of us long suffering shareholders a huge payday (soon?)." Ditto