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Noranda Income Fund Unit T.NIF.UN

Primary Symbol: NNDIF

Noranda Income Fund is a Canadian based income trust. The fund owns the electrolytic zinc processing facility and ancillary assets located in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec. It produces refined zinc metal and by-products from sourced zinc concentrates. The fund's long-term objective is to maximize unitholder value and provide monthly distributions to unitholders.

OTCPK:NNDIF - Post by User

Comment by Bwrbhkon Nov 04, 2022 4:22pm
Post# 35074384

RE:Globe headline about Glencore

RE:Globe headline about GlencoreYes, a very sad state of affairs.  Last year Noranda paid the  four so called "independent trustees" a total of $627,000 (US$) for doing what Glencore wanted them to do, mainly screwing the minority shareholders.  Not much different than paying bribes to African government officials, except it is legal in Canada.
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