Disconnect from the Totalitarian-Capitalist Pretender that......monitors every move their citizens make. The pretensious Chinese Communist party will give a serious stiff-arm to anyone that steps out of line. Witness what this small but brutal anti-social Communist party members (the elites) have done to the citizens of Hong Kong. The overall electronic controls of the Chinese Citizens is already an Orwllians Nightmare. Don't be fooled, this regime despises the common man & women in league with their western counter-parts of the "Progressive" movement founded at the London School of economics in the late 1800's and cham;ioned by the likes of George Bernard Shaw who utterly despised the common man (do some research on this elitist snob) and anyone else who did not share a place in the Ivory Tower outposts around the globe. These despicable snobs fashion themselves as "the very best people" who in modern times took some temporary research data from philosopher and economist Thomas Malthus regarding population expansion disease, famine war and calamity and of course food shortfalls. Malthus later disowned his original thesis but the "very best people" ignored this as a elitist dream of population control and outright. There are very few of these elitist "Kings of the Castles" that control the world (some say about 3-5 percent of the entire population) but they have insuated themselves into every institution known to God and Man and somehow have influence many young people that in order to further the canard of the elitist any evil inflicted on freedom loving citizens is perfectly justified. This is what we are up against folks. The Elitists of the West and China are connected by hips, knees, shoulders for one goal. That is to empower a "one world government run by seriously anti-social psychopths. Dumb people who cannot discern the difference between any slavery and freedom. We need a true rennaisance folks so put your shoulder to the wheel that supports individual,freedom. Read the sensible bookth"The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek (Austrian-British economist)