It seems many are confused or just simply don't know where to find information Production from Magino has been hedged for 6 and 10 quarters at $1,860 and $1,753 as a requirement on $250m debt covenant. It ensures there is sufficient cashflow to satisfy the debt taken to finalize construction. There are also gold forward contracts the company used to hedge in a falling gold environment which is why it broke even with a $1,890 AISC. Magino is the $1 billion game changer and it's coming online very soon. Franco Nevada knows that which is the reason for $52.5 2% royalty stream, smart money knows that it can be seen in large drops in short interest and most accredited investors know it which is why we have been buying millions of shares the last several days. Pay attention as Magino is being drilled out for an high grade underground operation in the near future potentially doubling production. Island Gold mine 1km away mines the same rocks and achieves sub $900 AISC